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-sunrise and opening of the world-

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Created & Performed by 伊藤 万琳 Marin Ito
Filmed & Edited by 藤森 利明 Riki Fujimori
Mentor: Jesse Zaritt

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As an Artist...

My present self has been formed by making use of my experiences growing up in a multiracial and multicultural environment. I have lived in two countries and four states, always having Japanese values as my roots. My purpose in life is to share what I have learned, felt, and expressed from my past with the world, through the art of movement. 

I want to create dances that are based on my personal life but are also inclusive to many. For a long time, I found myself lost: Am I Japanese “enough”? or am I too Americanized? Where do I really belong? Wherever I was, I felt like an outsider. However, I came to a realization that it is normal that each one of us are different and wanting to belong in one community is just an ideal that hurts me. There is no need for me to be Japanese “enough”, Americanized “enough”, or belong in only one community; I don’t need to fit into just one category, I can create my own community.

Therefore, I wish to create a space that is welcoming of my audiences: mentally, physically, and/or spiritually. No matter the race, gender, ethnicity, culture, status, background, and more, we are here together, we belong through relation. It’s not about asking for empathy, it is about loving and appreciating the differences and creating a space that has mutual respect for others. Hoping that the love and peaceful mind created in this space expand to world peace.

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                            Pupose of Thesis Work

I am creating a ritual, which guides both the practitioner and the viewers to find hope from a state of depression. The inspiration for my research comes from a story in Kojiki (The oldest history book in Japan). It is written that the god of arts/dance, Ameno Uzume No Mikoto was the main reason the world gained back the sun from the darkness. She also gave hope to each one of the resident gods’ lives. Just like her, I hope that my project can give a beam of light to my audiences and become a guidance for feeling excitement or hopefulness in the present and future. 

In constructing this practice, there are multiple approaches that I am taking: finding light out of darkness and exploring how different Japanese rituals merge together to create lightness, hope, and deeper self-reflection in the audience’s mind and heart. My intention in this ritual making is to present my understanding of Japanese culture and be relatable to many at the same time. 

COVID has changed many of our lifestyles and the world is looking dark right now. As Asian hate and attacks against Asian people increases, I find that my role as an Asian artist and as a Japanese artist to spread the depth of my culture, hoping that people will have a better understanding and acceptance of differences to help resolve the misunderstandings that society has created. It is simply a difference in values and perspectives that each country or community has. This diversity does not have to turn into hate, but instead, a respectful understanding that your way isn’t everybody’s way. I want this ritual to help create a brighter, colorful, and positive space in one’s mind and soul. 

I’m asking: WHAT are the different ways of approaching light? Literal light vs metaphorical light. HOW can I share Japanese culture with the world through a moving body? HOW can one create a space where respect for different cultures coexists? 

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​                            卒業制作の目的




制作に際し、問いかけていること:光や明かりという形のないものをどのように表現することが可能なのか。(『光』そのままの意味  対  比喩的な意味)身体の動作で、どのように日本の文化を表現し、世界に発信できるのか。様々な文化に対する尊重性が共存できる空間をどのように創れるのか。

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Music Played During the Performance

Chopin preludes no. 23  

Played by: 劉沐雨 Muyu Liu

Denouement   -Karen Biehl

Mapping the Heavens   -Alpha Wave Movement

On Track   -Between Interval

Tribus   -Travis Lake

Over   -LAAKE

OK!   -Samba De La Muerte

*I don’t own the rights to these music*

Special Thanks To

古事記 - Kojiki
椿大社 - Tsubaki Grand Shrine
福厳寺 - Hukugonji Temple
名城公園 - Meijyo Park


Music in the Video

Holding Back by MichaelFK

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